Carla bruni underwear, Carla Bruni, Nicolas Sarkozy, underwear, first lady, First Lady, Sarkozy, underpants, Jan Bucquoy, wife, Lady Carla, Carla, Photos, the French, Brussels, pipe, Bruni, Fashion, hierarchy, French President, Belgium. If you haven’t heard of Carla Bruni yet then you’re obviously not paying attention to French politics. I don’t blame you.
But anyway, Bruni is shacking up with French president Nicolas Sarkozy, and they may or may not have recently gotten married. Whatever your feelings might be on the French, you sure as hell have to admit they have us beaten when it comes to hotness of first ladies. Ours generally look like grandmothers (or grandfathers when it comes to Barbara Bush).
Carla Bruni is a former supermodel who evidently loves powerful and famous men. She’s been attached in the past to Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton, Kevin Costner, Vincent Perez, and Donald Trump.

With Jagger Bruni was actually a primary reason for his separation with his wife, so she’s kind of a homewrecker. Carla Bruni, Nicolas Sarkozy, underwear, first lady, First Lady, Sarkozy, underpants, Jan Bucquoy, wife, Lady Carla, Carla, Photos, the French, Brussels, pipe, Bruni, Fashion, hierarchy, French President, Belgium.