The first Neo-Bulge enhancer had no retail ambitions; friends and people who new me started commenting on how great I looked in my swimsuits. I told a couple friends about Neo-Bulge, they wanted one. I made five more and gave them out. They told me later that they really liked them and wore them all the time. Next I started wearing my male bulge enhancer with my low rise jeans, I could not believe how wonderful the jeans looked on me once my frontal bulge physique was visible; the Neo-Bulge male bulge enhancer was born. I wore the Neo-Bulge male enhancer with my jeans out to a local hot spot, I noticed that women and even some of the men were checking out my male bulge physique. At first I did not know what to make of all the attention but soon started to enjoy the smiles, glances and sexy smirks. Everyone enjoys attention you will too. Soon I started wearing my male bulge enhancement product with all my jeans, slacks and swimsuits. Having a perfect sexy male bulge in a swimsuit, Speedo or a pair of jeans (when you are at the beach or lounging around a pool, at a party, night club or the local Pub)will increase your confidence and others can see it, no pun intended. I wear my male bulge enhancement product all the time, it's undetectable, comfortable and can be worn with anything you own.
It is a better choice than male enhancement underwear. Male enhancement underwear cost on average about twenty or more dollars per pair. If you go the route of male enhancement underwear you will have to purchase several pair. Unlike male enhancement underwear, your Neo-Bulge male enhancement product can be worn with anything.