Survivor ,natalie ,tribal council ,sheppard ,redemption ,island ,zapatera ,the redemption ,rob mariano ,ometepe ,matt elrod ,winner of survivor ,winner ,sole survivor ,puzzle ,podcast ,the castaways ,survivor winner ,strategy ,steve wright ,spoilers ,season finale ,sarita ,rob cesternino ,reviews ,reunion show ,red carpet ,reality tv magazine ,reality tv ,photos ,natalie white ,kristina ,krista ,klumpp ,jury members ,immunity challenge ,immunity ,getty images ,francesca ,finals ,finale ,federal agent ,episode ,contestants ,contestant ,celebrity ,castaways ,boston rob ,ashley underwood ,andrea felt ,andrea ,american idol ,alliance , million.
She's been called lazy. She's been called a coattail-rider. But no matter what Survivor castaways and fans said about Natalie Tenerelli, it was her passive game play and her unflinching devotion to "Boston Rob" Mariano that earned her a spot in the final three. Unfortunately, these two traits were also her downfall and she received zero votes from the jury (she even came in behind Phillip Sheppard, which is really saying something). The 19-year-old professional dancer spoke with about why she decided not to throw Rob under the bus, how she feels about the jury's — especially Julie Wolfe's — harsh words and why she wasn't as lazy as people think.